Superior Pilates Waiver

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Full Name*
Email Address*

I declare that I am over 18 years of age and, if applicable, I am providing parental consent for a minor, acknowledge and understand that I have voluntarily, at my own risk, chosen to participate, in-person or on-line, in sessions and classes offered by Superior Pilates. I acknowledge and understand that physical exercise, with or without the use of equipment, can be strenuous in nature and there are inherent risks such as stress on the muscles, bones, and joints. Cardiovascular training can place stress on the heart, arteries, and blood pressure. Risk of injury may be minor such as soreness, sprains, strains, and bruises, or serious such as heart attack, stroke, paralysis, and death. I understand these risks and agree to assume all risk of injury or illness associated with exercise whatever the cause. I agree that prior to my participation I will inform Superior Pilates of any known medical conditions or factors that may place me at risk. I understand that the instructors are not medically trained to monitor my health during exercise. This program is for recreational use only and nothing stated, given, or written shall be taken as medical advice. I understand that I am not obligated to participate in any activity that I do not wish to do any time during a class or session. I understand that if I am experiencing pain or discomfort during a session, it is my responsibility to stop exercising immediately and seek medical attention. I will inform Superior Pilates of any symptoms before, during and after participation in classes or sessions. Superior Pilates may request a medical release from my medical practitioner prior to participation. I also understand that if I am a prenatal or postnatal client, I must consult with my physician and receive clearance to perform physical exercise. I understand that it is sometimes necessary for an instructor to physically touch a client to attain the proper form for an exercise. I hereby consent to such appropriate physical contact. I release Superior Pilates, associated instructors, and staff from any and all responsibilities or liability for any loss, injury, damage or expense that I may suffer as a result of my participation in the classes and services provided by Superior Pilates. I have fully read and understood the liability waiver and voluntarily agree to all the terms and conditions stated above.

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